Fantasy Flight Sleeves are back!
That's right. After what seems like a lifetime, Fantasy Flight Sleeves are back in stock and this time, we've made sure we've loaded up.
How do I know what sleeves I need?
Good question. If you're sleeving a Fantasy Flight game, there is a handy system on the box to let you know what you need. It can be understood as shown below.
But what about non-Fantasy Flight games?
This is a question that comes up a lot and one that I usually ask too. After all, I personally love Fantasy Flight sleeves the most because my games get played a lot. This is where BoardGameGeek has you covered. Just jump on that link and look for your game.
And if you can't find the game you're looking for on there, let us know and we'll find out for you.
So don't miss out on your chance to grab these great sleeves because they never last long on our shelves.