All you need to know about Vault's Pioneer WPNQ
You've heard correctly. Vault Games is hosting our first ever WPNQ event in the new year! So I guess you want all the details right? Here's the rundown. If you have any further questions, you can reach out to us here, or join our Magic @ Vault Games Facebook group.
The Dates
- Saturday 22nd February 2020 12pm Noon - Preliminary 1
- Saturday 29th February 2020 12pm Noon - Preliminary 2
- Saturday 7th March 2020 12pm Noon - Preliminary 3
- Saturday 14th March 2020 12pm Noon - Preliminary 4
- Saturday 21st March 2020 - Closed Finals
How Does the WPNQ Series Work?
You are able to join any of the available Preliminary events (tickets available here - Max of 32 participants at each event) and, if you make Top 8 in any of those events, you will be automatically invited to the Closed Finals held on Saturday 21st March.
The cost to join a Preliminary WPNQ event is $30 and that's all you need to pay if you make it to the WPNQ Closed Finals.
You can join as many Preliminary events as you want until you achieve an invite to the WPNQ closed finals.
These events will be run at Competitive Rules Enforcement Level.
Prizes for the Prelims are as follows:
A booster per player is added to the prize pool for the participating Preliminary events.
1st - 50% of boosters from a Standard-legal set of your choice (16 if event is full)
2nd & 3rd - 15% (rounded) of boosters from a Standard-legal set of your choice (5 each if event is full)
4th - 8th - Remaining boosters shared with majority to higher placement (min 1 if event is full)
Top 8 players also get free entry to the WPNQ closed final event on Saturday 21st March 2020.
Prizes for the WPNQ Closed Finals are as follows:
1st - An invite to Players Tour Europe: Copenhagen on May 1-3, Players Tour Americas: Charlotte on May 8-10, or Players Tour Asia-Pacific: Kitakyushu on May 9-10 (your choice of event) + $500 travel reimbursement from Vault Games
2nd - 18 boosters from a Standard-legal set of your choice
3rd & 4th - 5 Boosters from a Standard-legal set of your choice
5th - 8th - 2 Boosters from a Standard-legal set of your choice
All players participating in the WPNQ Closed Finals will receive a WPNQ Cryptic Command promo.
What is Pioneer?
Pioneer is a new non-rotating format featuring cards from Return to Ravnica forward
Pioneer is a constructed format and therefore adheres to the following constructed rules:
- Minimum of sixty cards
- No maximum deck size, as long as you can shuffle your deck unassisted
- Up to fifteen cards in your sideboard, if used
- With the exception of basic lands (Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, and Wastes), your combined deck and sideboard may not contain more than four of any individual card, counted by its English card title equivalent.
All Standard releases from Return to Ravnica forward are legal. You can see a complete list of sets available to the Pioneer format here.
Remember, the cards you play themselves don't have to be from a legal set, just have a matching version of that card printed in the available sets (i.e. you can play an Apocalypse-printing of Llanowar Wastes in your Pioneer deck as it was printed in both Magic 2015 and Magic Origins, both Pioneer-legal sets)
About Vault Games
Vault Games is a community-focused store found in the Brisbane CBD. We run regular Tuesday-night Commander, Friday-night Draft, and Sunday-arvo Standard, plus a wide range of non-Magic events (all of which you can find on our Facebook Events Calendar).
You'll find us at LG 123 Charlotte St, Brisbane City (link to Google Maps)
Getting here
via Train - Catch a Train to Central Station. Take the Edward St Exit and walk down Edward St towards the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens. At Charlotte St, turn right. You'll find us next to the Mantra Midtown. (approx 700m walk)
via Bus to Myer Centre - Take the Albert St exit from the Myer Centre, and walk down Albert st toward the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens and turn left at Charlotte St. You'll find us just before the Mantra Midtown. (approx 240m walk)
via Bus to King George Square - Take the Adelaide st exit and walk down Albert St towards the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens (through the Queen St Mall) and turn left at Charlotte St. You'll find us just before the Mantra Midtown. (approx 500m walk)
Buses that stop on Charlotte St - The following Bus Routes also stop at one of the two Bus Stops out the front of the store: P201, P205, P217, 121, 178, 181, 186
via Car - There is paid parking available next door or across the street at Wilson's Parking, and further parking available on Elizabeth St and Mary St via Secure Parking. NOTE - Onsite parking is NOT AVAILABLE.
Nearby Food
Are you kidding me? We're in the city. Food is everywhere! Burgers, Burritos, Sushi, Korean, Pizza, Subway, whatever your flavour, there's something nearby.
Nearby Accommodation & Activities
Travelling from out of town and want to stay in the city? The VisitBrisbane website is your best port of call for available accomodation and extra things to do around the city.