Assembly Required - Ep. 01 - A Darker Imperium

Hey there Vaulters! Have I got a little something special for you. Welcome to the first ever episode of Assembly Required, a new podcast brought to you by us here at Vault Games that is all about the small-scale world of miniatures. Each month, a new episode will be uploaded on Soundcloud focusing on a single aspect of the man-dollies obsession we all seem to love so much.
This month, we're focusing on the number one thing on your mind... Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition. We've gone through the rules; We've surveyed the indexes; We've played a few games and now, we're ready to let you know if it's worth looking at.
Now, this is only the first episode and there is a few things that we will be working on to make it better so just sit back and enjoy :)