COVID Update - 1 April 2021
NOTE: Despite the date, this is, in fact, not an April Fools Joke.
Lockdown is over! From 12 Noon today (1 April 2021), the Brisbane area won't be in lockdown anymore, but we're not opening just yet.
We've taken the chance to do a little bit of maintenance around the store and, with Good Friday being tomorrow, we've decided to remain shut to the general public until 10am Saturday.
When we do open though, there's going to be a few rules:
1 - The CHECK IN QLD app will be the primary method of contact detail gathering for the store. There is free customer wifi if you need to download it on the spot. But please ensure that when you come to the store, you're phone is adequetely charged.
2 - MASKS ARE REQUIRED IN-STORE UNTIL 15 APRIL. Whether your coming in to browse, pick up an order, or play some games, you MUST be wearing a mask at all times except when outlined by QLD Health. Anyone not wearing a mask without a legitimate exemption will not be served by staff.
3 - TABLE SERVICE. We just got our liquor license so Beer & Cider is available, but it will not be able to be given over the counter. You will need to order at the counter, return to your table, then a staff member will bring it over to you to consume at the table.
4 - TABLE NUMBERS. Tables will be restricted to 4 people and tables cannot be merged except by long-ways until 15 April. Meaning if you're bringing a large group of friends, be prepared to play separate games.
5 - SCHEDULED EVENTS ARE RUNNING. Our scheduled events until 15 April will be running as normal, provided the restrictions mentioned above are followed.
6 - THE BOARDOM BUSTER SALE CONTINUES. Yep. You read that right. The sale will continue until Wednesday 7 April. So make sure you check it out!