Diverse and Accessible Games to Bring to your Table!
Feature Art: Thirsty Sword Lesbians
Games night is for everyone - and here at Vault, we want to highlight that! Listed below are some of our favourite games that are just as diverse as the people who love to play them. They are filled with passion, gorgeous art and well made design, both aesthetically and functionally. From board games featuring LGBTQIA+ couples to accessibility tools for players and GM’s alike, theres a place for everyone at the table. We’d encourage you to pull up a chair and have a browse of some of the diverse titles here at Vault Games!
Looking for a crowd-favourite card game that’ll fit in your bag? Try Princess Princess Love Letter Ever After
This is the Princess Princess edition of Love Letter! A game all about getting a secret love letter to the princess, this version features beautiful cover art by Kay O’Neil, the author of Princess Princess Ever After, as well as the Tea Dragon Society card game. With both Princess Amira and Princess Sadie in the deck, can you deliver the letter to Princess Isadora? This is a fun revamp of a well-beloved and classic card game, perfect to play over
Looking for a board game centering love in every kind of shape? Try Fog of Love
Fog of Love is a two player game where you get to play out a romantic comedy, following all the twists and turns of a relationship and working on the balancing act of compromise. Sometimes, after all, the person you’re dating is a total dreamboat - so what if they are also a pyromaniac? The game has always been inclusive with gender-neutral language for all your romantic leads, but with a recent rerelease overseen by designer Nikki Valens of Eldritch Horror, Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition and Legacy of Dragonholt fame, the game has only put further emphasis on its queer themes. With inclusive covers featuring a variety of people in relationships, and specific cards touching on queer and trans specific situations, the fog of love isn’t obscuring anything, when it comes
Looking for an unapologetically queer RPG system? Try Thirsty Sword Lesbians

Thirsty Sword Lesbians is a game focussed on Queer romance, with feminism baked into the system, and drama in every encounter! Run on the Powered by the Apocalypse system, using a six sided dice for its rolls, this game is centred around the emotional journey and progression of your characters. Beyond the title of the game, you can make a character of any gender or sexuality, with trans and gender diverse people explicitly included within the rules. The game rewards using safety tools, checking in with players, and handling the rawness and vulnerability that can come with a game focussed on romance, relationships and personal growth. If you’re looking for an Indie RPG to try out, this is a great one to try out! :)
Want to be able to include everyone in your RPG games? Try Fate Accessibility Toolkit
The Fate Accessibility Toolkit is written to specifically include characters with disability in your games, and help support players with disability as well. Written with a team assembled from disabled communities, this book speaks with an authentic voice to the lived experience of this community! With tools for compassionately and respectfully touching on disability in your game using the Fate system, this book supplies a mix of aspects, stunts, and conditions, as well as an exploration of adaptive devices available to characters across a variety of settings.
We hope you’ve enjoyed the tour of a few of our favourite games and tools! Many of the works highlighted here are written, illustrator or designed by #OwnVoices authors. If you’re keen for more titles, or simply want to chat further about accessibility in games, swing on by to your local friendly game store - we’re always happy to help out!