Ever wanted to play Age of Sigmar? Heres how to get started!
If you love miniatures, painting, or moving fantastical little guys around a realistically rendered pint-sized terrain, wargaming could be the hobby for you! The only way to find out? Keep reading this streamlined guide on the essentials to get started playing Warhammer, Age of Sigmar!

Pick an Army…. from the Heart
Chances are if you’re keen to start playing Age of Sigmar, you’ve gazed longingly at those tighty packed shelves with immaculately painted box art in the game store, dreaming up the adventurous lives these beastly bright orcs or finicky finelined elves live out. That's great! Harness that enthusiasm, pick some of those orcs off the shelf, and start collecting. Depending on how you want to play the game, you may require a couple of different units to make up an army. There's plenty of hours of assembling, painting, and basing these models to look forward to, and the best thing to keep you inspired will be picking units you’re excited to play with! While there is plenty of advice focussing on the meta of the game (which is updated with the rules every 6 months or so), or easiest beginner armies to learn to play with, coming to the hobby with the army that you first fell in love with is a sure fire way to have fun.
Do Some Basic Book Learning
Like with any new game, it's always good to hit the books.. And the app! Age of Sigmar has a handy app which lets you know the point total of a unit, which is very useful when building an army (typically, armies will be sorted into 500 points, 1000 point or 2000 point armies, which usually include some basic units and a Hero or Wizard to lead them) as well as information regarding spells, invocations, and warscrolls. The Core Rulebook is available through the app for free, but each armies battletome, which has their specific rules for play, must be purchased. Once bought, they can be redeemed in the app for ease of access! Learning the rules of your army is important, as it will inform you how many models you require to make a functioning army. That said, a functioning army can look very different depending on the table you play at - with multiple game play styles available, beginners have plenty of options for styles of play, and different ways to try their hand at wargaming.
Engage the Greatest Resource of All - Community!
The greatest resource available to you and all prospective Warhammer players is the local community! Watching games being played is the best way to learn and a great way to find armies to battle against. Having a local gaming group is an easy way to find out new strategies and tactics, cement the rules and different styles of play, and to even try out different armies to find out how you like to battle. With the competitive scene utilizing match style play, more casual gaming with open play, or story focussed narrative play, there are plenty of different avenues to try out Warhammer today. Vault Games is equipped with plenty of tables and terrain for you to take out your armies and adventure to your heart's content.
So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to seize your model kits and paints, and get into the thick of the next great age; who knows, the way may even be hewn by the blades of units at your command! If you have any more questions about paints to buy or how to book tables to play at, feel free to come in-store or call Vault Games today! :)