
As the season changes, its time to blast that AC and create a livable climate indoors to escape the heat - and we wanna get cozy with it! What life is more cozy, more romantic, more enviable than that of a little woodland creature, living in abundance in the tranquil forest, having a wonderful time? Well worry not gamers, here are some games that will take the forest-hungry edge off and evoke cozy fireside feelings, comfy as a knitted scarf!


1 - 4 players, 30 - 40 mins

There are few things snugglier than cats and quilts, and Calico is a beautiful mix of the two! In the game, players compete to create the most elegant quilts, attracting different kinds of cats with different patterns of quilt laying. A cozy quilt is made of cute patchwork tiles you place on the board, and you can get bonuses for different colour collections! Ultimately the quilt which attracts the most kitties wins - what a noble, cuddly goal.

Fox in the Forest Duet

2 players, 30 mins

A two-playier trick-taking game in which players team up to move through the forest! What is delightful about this game is its collaborative nature, helping each player move through the forest, and attempting to collect gems along the way. The card art is also beautiful, tempting you to dawdle in the woods even longer just to appreciate it - a great game to sip a coffee or tea, and play with a pal.


1 - 4 players, 30 - 40 mins

In Cascadia players build individual boards, taking a tile and an animal to try and match their habitats, set within the gorgeous rolling landscapes of the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Successfully doing so builds your board into a unique little point building terrain, whether you’re running a salmon run, or a cluster of elk all together! This satisfying game make you create a unique puzzle that you must solve, while juggling resources with other players. Each turn you can plan for your future, and the feeling of glee when your three bear tiles get stacked together is always a delight! This game is also super easy to set up and pack down, and simple to explain, meaning you’ll reach for it again and again! Nothing is cozier than a reliable, familiar board game after all! ;)

Stardew Valley

1 - 4 players, 45 mins

If you've wanted to escape to the countryside, then the Stardew Valley boardgame is a great way to do it - and it even lets you to hitch 3 friends wagons along for the ride! In this game you play as farmers on a quest to harvest crops and items, banding together against the evil Joja Corporation! But the Joja Corporation isn't the only thing standing in the way of your beautiful crop fields filled with bounty and chickens, the very seasons will turn and limit the kinds of resources you can gather. Only through the sweat on your brow and the compassion of your fellows farmers will you make it through - but what brings people closer than getting you hands dirty? ;)


1 - 5 players, 60 mins

Within the world of Flamecraft, players take on the role of Flamekeepers, shopowners who specilise in unique crafts (bread, meat, iron, crystal, plant and potion) which dragons are suited to! By enhancing these shops and the town, Flamekeepers can attract dragons to their stores and gain reputation. This game about crafting friendship and improving relations. Gathered items can be used to enchant a shop, gaining reputation and the favors of all the dragons in the shop. What could be cozier than befriending dragons and learning to live alongside them?

And that's a wrap on these animal themed cozy adventures for now! Let us know which are your favourites, or if yours didn’t appear here! We’re always on the hunt for new comfy games to share with friends. With plenty of new games stocking in Vault, why not come in and have a bit of a sticky beak, and chat with our friendly staff about what games might be perfect for you!

Games Mentioned in the Article