Love is in the Air! 5 Two Player Games to Really Score this Valentines Day
With Valentine's day right around the corner, we have the perfect thing to accompany the champagne and strawberries on that romantic picnic for two, or a cozy night tucked in at home. These two player games are sure to keep you entertained with a range for any dynamic duo to enjoy - after all, who turns down an invitation to game night?
If you’ve ever dreamed of hitting the high-seas, in the remains of a post-apocalyptic world while scavenging resources with your partner, Seastead is the game for you. And if that wasn’t your dream? Well.. keep an open mind!
Seastead is perfect for a couple with a fiery sense of competition and a keen eye for resource management - every turn you either dive to gain resources, or build a building from your player mat. Whenever you dive, you’ll draw a card with two different resources to choose from - but pick wisely, because whatever you don’t collect goes to your opponent!
Paris La Cite De La Lumiere
Ah Paris,.. The city of love. And what speaks romance better than a gentle lantern lit stroll through 19th century Parisian streets?
Paris is a two-player board game set during the 1889 “Exposition Universelle” or World's Fair, where the topic of public electricity in the streets was setting the city alight. Two players compete to create the most dazzling display and gather adoring passers-by as they grow their reserve of buildings or place tiles in the streets. This game of strategy is all about stealing the lime-light and bringing your street into centre stage. Winning the hearts of Parisian pedestrians wins the game, and perhaps might help the glint of romance between you and your co-player.
The Fox in the Forest Duet
Always imagined escaping to the country to get away from it all? If you’re ready to live your cottage-core, sweet woodland fantasy, The Fox in the Forest Duet is the perfect gaming experience. In this cooperative card game, you and your partner must keep on the track in the perilous woods, using your character and card abilities to navigate the underbrush and play tricks. The aim of the game is to collect the gems scattered within the woods, a journey that is buoyed along by beautiful story-book styled card art and a quick 30 minute play time with plenty of replayability.
Fluttering Souls
Based on the touching Japanese legend of the white butterfly, Fluttering Souls is an elegant, two-player game where you compete to collect a kaleidoscope of butterflies. Your aim is to be visited by the elusive and coveted white butterfly; a symbol of undying love.
Each round players take turns drafting butterfly cards from an open card layout to make sets scored at the end of each round. Each of your choices opens up new choices for your rival, so which butterfly should you collect? Each round of this game takes 2 to 3 minutes, and its a best of 5 rounds to win. There are up to 15 different card layouts to master in this beautifully illustrated card drafting game, so you’ll have plenty of time to ogle the card art (or your co-player) as you play again and again!
Psycho Killer
Alright, alright, so Valentine’s Day brings to mind sweet, ooshy-gooshy feelings of romance, but what if that's not really your style? If you’re ready for a little more hilarity, a little more gore, and a little more horror, may we present.. Psycho Killer.
In this action packed card game for lovers of messy murders and retro slasher films, you use every cliche in the book to mess over other players, and evade the clutches of the killer chasing you all down. Every turn you may play as many cards as you like from your hand, and must end the turn by drawing the card at the top of the deck. Hiding within the deck are the 5 killer cards that when drawn, immediately attack the player drawing them, unless they can evade them. The slash-fest ends when the final killer from the deck is revealed, and the player with the fewest injuries manages to limp their way free - surviving, but ever-changed. Or, you know, goes back to eating those lovely strawberry flavoured chocolate bonbons. We don’t judge how you spend your Valentine's Day.