The Status of the Store coming into 2017
Howdy folks. Welcome to 2017! What a rough year last year right? sheesh. Anyway, one great thing did come out of 2016 for us... we opened our physical store in Brisbane. Since opening, we've seen a massive growth in the community around us and, for that, we are extremely thankful. We've grown immensely over the last 2 years and opening a store would not have been possible without all of you awesome gamers.
But now, onto what's happening with 2017
Our events are being revamped
Our weekly schedule of in-store events is changing up a little. We're swapping our Star Wars Miniatures and Living Card Game League nights so that now the LCG league will run on Monday nights and Star Wars Minis will run on Thursday nights.
To expand the ever-popular Board Games & Burgers, we have made the decision to move it to our store as well. We love Grill'd Burgers and thank them from the bottom of our hearts for the support they have given us over the last 3 years. And now, it's time to bring Board Games & Burgers to the next level.
Starting from Jan 22, we'll be hosting Board Games & Burgers on a Saturday night in the store. We'll also be featuring a new Brisbane burger joint at each event, allowing you to order a burger from the featured restaurant on the night directly from the store.
So, here's the full event rundown for the week:
- Monday: Living Card Game + Star Wars: Destiny League
- Tuesday: Commander/EDH
- Wednesday: RPG Society
- Thursday: Star Wars Miniatures (Armada, X-Wing & Imperial Assault Skirmishes)
- Friday: Friday Night Magic (usually a Booster Draft with the latest set)
- Saturday (Morning): Social Saturday Tabletop (10am - 5pm)
- Saturday (Evening): Board Games & Burgers / Trivia Night / Research & Development
- Sunday: Miniature Madness - Learn-To-Plays, Painting Workshops, Casual Play
As always, you can see all of our events on Facebook.
The Library Subscription Service is on its way
We have the library application set up for tracking loans, the games have been catalogued and it's clear that there are people waiting for this. The only thing standing in our way at the moment is the component check. The Vault Games library now has 186 different titles over 194 individual games. That's a lot of components to check. Why are we doing this?We don't want to loan games out if they're missing important pieces. It's kind of annoying if you're down 2 tiles and 3 different meeples in a Carcassonne box, so we want to make sure that everything is right before you take it out.
Once we have our games checked, the Library subscription will be opened. (btw, if you wanted to give us a hand with the component checks, let us know next time you're in store)
There's still plenty more to come
There is way more happening than just the above, but we can't really go into too much detail until it moves closer so I'll give you the best summary I can now:
- Liquor License: It's moving forward. The crew have the relevant qualifications but these things take time to move through the regulatory process so, all we can do is lodge and wait.
- Second-hand license: Another thing we're working on. Soon, you will be able to trade in the games you don't want to play anymore. Once we have the license, we'll be sure to let you know.
- Board Game Tournaments: Soon, we will be starting up regular tournaments during our Social Saturday Tabletop events. We're just working out the prize support and timetable to ensure we don't just jump in without an actual plan.
- PitchCar League: Ever played PitchCar? Well, we're starting up a league for that soon as well. Just like anything we do, keep an eye out on our Facebook Page for the announcement.
That's about all I have for an update. One thing we really want to make clear is that the Vault Games store is a community place for you to come and play games and have fun so if you have any feedback or ideas, please let us know. We'd love to hear from you.