The Store Report - April 2017
Hi there Vault Gamers. Welcome to this month's store report. I know, I know, it's a little late in April already but better late than never I guess :P Let's get to it.
A good problem to have
The store has been getting a little full lately, and not just from events. Clearly, we've struck a chord with you guys and frequently face a full store. But, that does present a little bit of a problem for us. We don't like turning people away from the store, particularly if they've made the trek to celebrate their birthday/anniversary/excuse-to-play-games-with-many-friends. So, we've launched a table reservation product on our web store. With this product, you can reserve a table online for just $5.
Now, there a few conditions to the table reservations to make sure everyone's expectations are met so please read them on the product page.
Also, we'll be improving this system over the coming weeks but, for now, you will need to add the date and time to your order notes or, if they don't appear during your checkout process, just shoot us a message and we'll make sure it's ready for you.
This Month's Board Game Brews have a galactic flair
The Board Game Brews are back for another month and this month, we've taken cues from the soon to be released Guardians of the Galaxy. The Groot is a nuts and beans cappuccino, mixing Macadamia and Vanilla flavouring added to the cappuccino. The Rocket Raccoon is a sweet chai latte with White Chocolate and Salted Caramel. Make sure you stop by and grab one before they shoot off at the end of the month.
Upcoming Kill-Team League Tournament
With our Miniatures group growing and the paint rack filling up, we've decided to launch a Warhammer 40,000 Kill-Team League. For those unfamilliar with how a Kill-Team works, here's the lowdown.
A Kill-Team is a short mission where you command a team of up to 200 points drawn from a single Codex or Supplement. Each Kill-Team has the following restrictions:
- A Kill Team must include at least four non-vehicle models. One of these models must be your leader and three must be Specialists.
- A Kill Team cannot include any models with more than 3 wounds or Hull Points on their profile.
- A Kill Team cannot include any vehicles with a combined Armour Value (established by adding the vehicle's Front, Side and Rear Armour Values together) of more than 33.
- A Kill Team cannot include Flyers.
- A Kill Team cannot include any models with a 2+ Armour Save.
To find out the rules for a kill team, purchase the Kill Team supplement on the Games Workshop Web Store.
Players will duke it out over a regular season, racking up wins before a final playoff for first and second place will occur between the top eight.
If you want to find out more, or even preregister for the event, jump on over to the Challonge registration page.
Preordering is still a thing
Remember how I said last time that preorders helped us better determine our supplier orders? I want to thank you for taking that on board. In the last month, we were able to better predict our order numbers to make sure you got everything you ordered. Tales from the Yawning Portal, Watchers on the Wall and Blood on the Altar all released in the last few weeks with plenty of copies preordered in advance, allowing us to ensure these were ready for you on release (though most of the remaining copies have been picked up very quickly after that). To see what's next on the schedule, check out the Coming Soon section.
Off-Topic: I have a game on Kickstarter
Yeah I couldn't resist a #ShamlessSelfPlug. Regular Vault Gamers know that I'm also a publisher of board games at Table Tyrant Games. Our game, Smiths of Winterforge, is hitting it's final week on Kickstarter and is currently sitting at 257% of funding goal so, if you're keen on adding another Light-Euro game to your library, back it now.
That's all for this month. As always, thanks so much for supporting the store. Without you, such a great space wouldn't exist so, thank you. If you have any questions ask them in the comments on the Facebook page and we'll answer them the next chance we get.
-Dylan and the Vault Crew