Vault Games COVID-19 Update - 1 April 2020
Hey there folks,
This whole thing seems to be sticking around for a while longer so we're making a few more changes to make sure both you and our team are happy, healthy, and gaming the spare time away. Check them all out below.
We're Still Open! - Updated Trading Hours
The team is still fulfilling online orders, and we're still operating as a retail store for anyone needing to pick up those "essential items" to make it through isolation. We're adjusting our hours a little to assist with the reduced workload as well as fitting into our streaming schedule.
Don't forget that you can still hire from the library, and for up to three weeks at a time now, so make sure you drop in.
We're on Twitch!
In case you didn't realise from the countless posts we've put up on our Facebook Page, we're streaming gaming fun while the playspace is shut down. You can catch us every day on our Twitch Channel. The schedule is updated every week so make sure you follow the channel to get notified every time we go live.
Playspace still closed
The in-store play space will remain closed until the start of May.
Events pushed to May
Seeing as we may be in this situation for a while, we're pushing back all of our events to May. Below is a list of relevant major events that you may need to know the tentative dates for:
Blood Bowl League - First week pushed back to 4 May (at this rate though, our FALL league may become the SPRING league :P )
Magic: The Gathering Ikoria Prerelease - Friday 15 May - Sunday 17 May
Magic: The Gathering Pioneer WPNQ -
Marvel: Champions Organised Play Special Event - Saturday 30 May
That's all for this update. Thank you for being a member of the Vault Games community and we look forward to playing one big game of Catan when all this is over with you :)
-Dylan, Cassie, Jennah, and the rest of the Vault Team.