Want to start playing a tabletop roleplaying game? Its easier than ever at Vault with our Wednesday RPG Night!
As lantern lights flicker low, and evening comes to settle its cold and wintery grip on the deeply burrowed halls of Vault Games, creatures begin to stir within its depths. And they are not alone. By the striking of the sixth hour, adventurers have gathered round the long tables from near a far, playing in galaxies or humble taverns, outer wilds or rustic western plains. It is a Wednesday night, and the beacon has been lit - it's time for roleplaying! But how do you get in on the action? Worry not, fair traveler, roll a little initiative and read on for our handy tips on how to join a game!
Join our Discord Server!
Our Vault Community Discord server has multiple channels to help you connect with your fellow gamers. The RPG General channel is great for discussing new releases of games, comparing different systems and getting juicy game gossip and recommendations! Our other two channels, Looking for a Gamemaster and Looking for a Group both seem pretty self explanatory, but are a great place to start if you’re ready to dive in and put out offers to play! The Discord server is a fast way to get in contact with fellow gamers, check which tables have spots available, and connect over similar interests in game and play styles.

Brush up on Rules and Table Etiquette
Brushing up on the rules of the game you’re about to play is always handy, so you can have a general familiarity with the system you’re about to play! If it's your first time playing, flagging this with your Game Master can be useful for them to know, and for other players to assist you. When you join a new table, whether you’re an old hand or a fresh new face, there is a golden rule to remember; the Game Master’s decisions are final. As the one running the game, they have the final say on outcomes and effects. Being a good player means accepting this ruling to continue play - even if it isn’t the outcome you hoped for. Roleplaying games are a collaborative effort, and everyone is always keen to have a new face at the table; so don’t let a lack of experience hold you back! Some tables may have introductory sessions, and Safety Tool checklists to run over with the group to ensure everyone is on the same page with roleplaying, action and game goals!

Become a Game Master
While the excitement of being involved in a game is often imagined from the side of a player, a guaranteed way to begin play is… as a Game Master. While this advice sometimes brings a feeling of dread similar to glancing at a rogue treasure chest with teeth (you know its a Mimic, that's why the GM put it in the centre of the empty room on a luxurious stand) playing the role of Game Master is something all players should try at least once! (If only to let our own Game Masters have a turn at making that character they’ve always been dreaming of playing!) More than that, playing as GM allows you to stretch your creative muscles and get familiar with a system, to get a general understanding of each class or playbook, and to learn the basics of roleplaying! Whats that guard over there doing? That random vegetable farmer? That lonely salamander, sitting by the river bank? All of them now sit in your (un)ready hands. But that is how the Game Master greats were made - through a can-do attitude, and a hearty dose of wanting to play. I can personally attest that the role is also much less daunting than it might seem; with plenty of pre-written adventures handy in our games library, for the price of a coffee and an afternoon of your time, you (yes, YOU reading this article!) could be running games with the best of them. And just think - Matt Mercer would be so proud!
Steady your heart, adventurer. With these trusted and true tips beneath your belt, there are few obstacles you cannot overcome. And never forget, you’re not alone on the journey! Feel free to drop into Vault and chat with some of our friendly staff for game advice!