Getting Ready for War: A Quick Breakdown of Twilight of the Republic
We’re just a month away from kicking off prerelease events for the next set for Star Wars: Unlimited, Twilight of the Republic. So it’s time to make sure you are ready to face your opponents as we break down the mechanics you can expect to see in the new set…

Returning Mechanics
Let’s start with the mechanics that you may have already seen from Spark of Rebellion and Shadows of the Galaxy. If you’ve already been playing Star Wars: Unlimited, you would already know how these work. But in case you’re new to the game, here’s a quick rundown of what they are and how they work:
- Ambush: When a unit with Ambush is played, if there is an enemy unit that it can attack, it may ready and attack that enemy unit.
- Grit: A unit with Grit gets +1/+0 for each damage on it.
- Overwhelm: While attacking, a unit with Overwhelm deals its excess damage to the defending player’s base
- Raid X: While attacking, a unit with Raid X gets +X power.
- Restore X: When a unit with Restore X attacks, Heal X damage from your base,
- Saboteur: A unit with Saboteur may ignore Sentinel when choosing what to attack and when they do attack, defeat all Shield tokens attached to the defending unit.
- Sentinel: Your opponents’ units can’t attack your non-Sentinel units in the same arena or your base. Abilities a unit with Sentinel gains can’t prevent this unit from being attacked.
Now these may not be all of the mechanics appearing in this set as cards are still being spoiled daily, and if more of the older mechanic show up, we’ll make sure we update this

New Units for the Battlefield
Tokens are not just for Shields and Experience anymore! Both 1/1 Battle Droids and 2/2 Clone Troopers will now be added to the Ground Arena through various cards and abilities to expand your forces beyond just the units in your deck. More units are always helpful, especially for this set, as the mechanics need them. Speaking of which…

New Mechanics that need Units
Two new mechanics rely heavily on you having enough units to utilise them effectively. They are Exploit X and Coordinate.
Exploit X gives you the ability to sacrifice X units under your control to reduce the cost of the card with this ability by [2] for each unit defeated this way. You’ll typically find this ability on cards with the Villainous aspect as, after all, it’s only the ‘bad guys’ that exploit the masses, right?
The other mechanic, Coordinate, gives or modifies the abilities found on units, provided you control 3 or more units in total at that time. the perfect ability for amassing a force to take on the separatists and protect the republic.

New Leaders with New Strategies
The Typal strategy is back. Just like Bo-Katan Kryze, Princess In Exile (SHD#012) and Cad Bane, He Who Needs No Introduction (SHD#014) in Shadows of the Galaxy, you have leaders that revolve around specific keywords, like Count Dooku, Face of the Confederacy (TWI#005) who gives your Separatist units EXPLOIT; Captain Rex, Fighting for his Brothers (TWI#007) who makes and buffs Troopers; or General Grievous, General of the Droid Armies (TWI#015) who increases the capabilities of your Droids.
But there’s also a few more interesting play lines available now as well. Quinlan Vos, Sticking the Landing (TWI#018) deals out one damage when you play a unit that matches the cost of other units on the battlefield, a handy way to ping off any enemy shields that may be lurking before you start swinging in with your units.
And speaking of damage, Mace Windu, Vaapad Form Master (TWI#013) is the quintessential damage leader. Is the enemy unit damaged? Here’s some more damage. Too much damage? More damage. Deployed? Damage. He just screams teaming up with Sabine Wren, Explosives Artist (SOR#142), Wild Rancor (SHD#158), Tarkintown (SOR#025), IG-11, I Cannot Be Captured (SHD#170), and the new Kit Fisto, The Smiling Jedi (TWI#165) to just deal out damage everywhere. Your opponent can’t hit your base if they don’t have any units, right? And even if they do, all that damage means any unit you control with OVERWHELM is more effective at dealing damage to the base.
Those are just some of the cool new things coming in Star Wars: Unlimited Twilight of the Republic. Make sure you book your Prerelease event today, or preorder your boxes right here at Vault Games!